Punk Ponies
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My farm is called Drawing Board Farm because it's the perfect "surface" to create on. Living and working on the farm means looking out any window and seeing horses in the field. I paint what I see... and I see horses!

Being with horses on a daily basis naturally make them the primary focus of my work. From years of teaching, training and show judging I feel fortunate to have gained a thorough knowledge of the structure of the horse. I feel free to push or pull his form and colors to suit my ideas.

Forms? The many phases of a horse's gaits give me a lot to work from. Ideas to emphasize, highlight and even exaggerate... but never losing the original identifying motion.

Patterns? They're everywhere around us... geometric and fluid, man-made and nature-made. An endless resource from which to choose.

Colors? They are there in nature... on flowers, snakes, lizards, birds... even rocks! Observe how nature puts colors together and it always works. It's best when they pop out and make you smile.

Form... patterns... colors... like the wild appearance of a punk rocker they're the making of a successful Punk Pony. They command your attention and you just have to stare and smile. I've tried to capture this in all my Ponies and I hope you enjoy browsing through the herd while looking for your favorite.

- Janet Bailey Burch

Copyright © Drawing Board Farm, Inc. - All rights reserved
The name "Punk Ponies" is a trademark of Drawing Board Farm, Inc.